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Writer's pictureJingsong Liu 刘劲松

热浪挡不住成功路考--天龙驾校 “GREAT DRIVE"

持续高温, 挡不住学员练车的热情,也挡不住天龙驾校学员路考成功的喜讯连连!!

2023年8月17日, 天龙驾校学员冒着罕见的高温,5级路考,一次通过,并且获得了路考考官的高度评价--“GREAT DRIVE" 和一个笑脸自画像

天龙驾校感谢学员的选择和信任, 谢谢学员的考前认真的练车, 功夫不负有心人,天龙驾校助力成功!!

天龙驾校感谢学员在网上的评价, 谢谢您!

学员评价: “I had an amazing time at Sky Dragon Driving School, especially with Coach Liu. He's an exceptional teacher who made learning to drive a breeze.

Coach Liu is patient, knowledgeable, and skilled. He explained everything clearly and boosted my confidence. His practical tips were invaluable.

What's remarkable is his dedication. He was always on time, tailored lessons to my progress, and gave constructive feedback.

Thanks to Coach Liu, I passed my class 5 driver license test on my first trial.

Highly recommended for Sky Dragon driving school!”

“我在天龙驾校度过了一段美好的时光,特别是和刘教练在一起。他是一位出色的老师,他让学习驾驶变得轻而易举。 刘教练很有耐心,知识渊博,技术精湛。他把一切解释得很清楚,增强了我的信心。他的实用技巧非常宝贵。 值得注意的是他的奉献精神。他总是准时,根据我的进步量身定制课程,并提供建设性的反馈。 感谢刘教练,我第一次考五级驾照就通过了。 强烈推荐天龙驾校!”





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